This template returns the name of a topical category, based on its language and subject.

Usage <small>మార్చు</small>

This template is supposed to be used in names of topical categories, where the code for any language but English is shown.

Examples <small>మార్చు</small>

Mechanics <small>మార్చు</small>

Here are some exceptions, where a language code is not shown in the final text:

  • If the parameter 1 is empty or uncalled.
  • If the parameter 1 contains the values en or eng.

See also <small>మార్చు</small>

  • {{categ}}, which can be used in some of the same circumstances as this template, though it works differently
"మూస:catlangcode/doc&oldid=282423" నుండి వెలికితీశారు