Documentation for మూస:nl-conj-wk. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template creates a conjugation table for Dutch regular weak verbs. It is usable for most verbs. For strong verbs, use {{nl-conj-st}} instead. For (very) irregular verbs, use {{nl-conj-irr}}.

The bot MewBot uses this template to automatically create entries for verb forms. If you add this template to an entry, tell the bot about it here. If you change how this template works, please notify CodeCat so the bot can be updated!

Parameters <small>మార్చు</small>

Numbered parameters:

  • 1= The first-person singular (ik) form. This is the basic stem of the verb.
    • For separable verbs, provide only the basic form without the separable part.
  • 2= The singular subjunctive form.
    • This is the plural form without the -n.
    • For separable verbs, provide only the basic form without the separable part.
    • If not specified, uses basic stem+e.
  • 3= The past participle.
    • This is needed for verbs that start with e or i, which get a diaeresis after ge-.
    • For separable verbs, provide only the basic form without the separable part.
    • If not specified, uses (ge)+basic stem+d/t, depending on other parameters.

Named parameters:

  • dt= The ending consonants of the past tense, according to the 't kofschip/'t fokschaap rule.
    • dt=d If the past tense ends in -de/-den.
    • dt=t If the past tense ends in -te/-ten.
    • dt=dd If the past tense ends in -dde/-dden. (the basic stem ends in -d, such as kleden)
    • dt=tt If the past tense ends in -tte/-tten. (the basic stem ends in -t, such as zetten)
  • head= : The headword.
    • Defaults to the current page name.
  • no-ge=1 Remove the ge- prefix from the past participle.
    • This is needed for verbs that begin with ge-, be-, ver- and such.
  • aux= The auxiliary verb used with the past participle.
  • aux2= The second auxiliary verb used with the past participle.
    • This is normally 'zijn', for verbs that allow both to be used.
    • The aux= parameter does not need to be set for this to work.
  • sep= The separable part, for separable verbs.
    • When this parameter is provided, the table is expanded to include the forms used in subordinate clauses.
  • subonly=1 This separable verb has only subordinate clause forms.

Usage <small>మార్చు</small>

Normal weak verbs <small>మార్చు</small>

For a simple regular verb, only the first numbered parameter and dt are enough.

On the page wandelen:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|wandel|dt=d}}

On the page fietsen:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|fiets|dt=t}}

Some verbs lose a vowel or gain a consonant in the plural/subjunctive form. If they end in -f or -s, that changes to -v and -z. For these verbs, the second parameter must be provided.

On the page leven:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|leef|leve|dt=d}}

On the page razen:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|raas|raze|dt=d}}

If the verb uses the auxiliary verb 'zijn' with the past participle, specify that with the aux= parameter.

On the page lukken:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|luk|lukke|dt=t|aux=zijn}}

Some verbs allow you to use both auxiliaries. In that case, specify 'zijn' as the second auxiliary verb with the aux2= parameter.

On the page draaien:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|draai|draaie|dt=d|aux2=zijn}}

Special forms <small>మార్చు</small>

Verbs with stems ending in -t do not get an additional -t in the past participle or the 2nd and 3rd person singular forms. Similarly, verbs with stems ending in -d do not get an additional -d in the past participle. Specify that with the dt=tt and dt=dd parameters, respectively.

On the page zetten:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|zet|zette|dt=tt|aux2=zijn}}

On the page kleden:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|kleed|klede|dt=dd|aux2=zijn}}

Some verbs have prefixes that override the normal ge- prefix for past participles, and ge- is not added. Such verbs normally begin with an unstressed ge-, be-, her-, er- ver-, ont- and others. For such verbs, add the no-ge=1 parameter.

On the page verdelen:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|verdeel|verdele|dt=d|no-ge=1|aux2=zijn}}

Separable verbs <small>మార్చు</small>

Separable verbs are verbs that have a prefix, and are split into two separate words when conjugated in a main clause. An example is opdelen where you conjugate it as ik deel op rather than ik opdeel. For such verbs, the forms you list with parameters 1 and 2 should not have the separable part. Rather, you should supply the separable part with the sep= parameter. The template will then reattach it in the appropriate places.

On the page opdelen:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|sep=op|deel|dele|dt=d|aux2=zijn}}

A select few verbs lack main clause forms, because an inseparable prefix like her- has been attached to a separable prefix. An example is herinrichten, which does not allow one to say 'ik richt herin', although a subordinate clause form is possible: 'zij zag dat ik de kamer herinrichtte'. For such verbs, use the subonly=1 parameter.

On the page herinrichten:

  • {{nl-conj-wk|sep=herin|subonly=1|richt|dt=tt}}
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